“It’s time for your dental check up.”

Does that phrase send shivers down your spine? Fear no more.

It is likely that you experienced some type of trauma as a child or perhaps been influenced by the media or stories from friends. The fact of the matter is that your fear is real and many people share those same feelings.

It is estimated that as many as 75% (234 Million people) of US adults experience some degree of dental fear, from mild to severe. For some, the fear is so great that they often experience a cycle of avoidance thereby greatly impacting their overall health. If you or a loved one is amongst this group of people, there is help for you.

Together, we can reduce your fear of the dentist.

Fill out the form and receive tips you can use to help greatly reduce your fear of dental visits. Here is what you will learn:

  • Why new techniques make dentistry virtually painless
  • How to eliminate worries like a strong gag reflex or fears of choking
  • What many techniques are available to reduce your anxiety while in the chair